Noor’s culinary proposal is inspired by Andalusian history and culture, whose capital milestone was the Caliphate of Abderramán III, which turned Córdoba into the most cultured and advanced city of its time.

The research work with documentalists, historians, archaeologists and designers have shaped the universe of Noor, embodied in the story told by Paco Morales creations in each of his seasons.

He is one of the most outstanding figures of Spanish gastronomy. His capacity for innovation and his personality have allowed him to bring the most refined aromas and flavors of Al-Andalus closer to our times, to masterfully recreate them in the contemporary and avant-garde key that has always characterized his cuisine.

Three Michelin stars and the unanimous support of national and international diners and specialized critics endorse his proposal.


Do not hesitate to contact us to accompany you at any point in the booking process.


Noor Experience

«Generosity is to give before we are asked»

Arabic proverb

If you wish to give an experience at Noor Restaurant or purchase Paco Morales’ recipe book, contact us (specify your name and phone) and we will send you all the details of the purchase process.

    > work with us

    You can contact us at
    +34 957 964 055 or at